Apply to join before December 30 to get access to our Spring 2025 retreat!

Redeeming Your Time Mastermind

Helping Christian leaders excel in the life-long journey to being maximally productive in distinctly Christ-like ways

"I used to tell people that reading Redeeming Your Time made me 3X more efficient, which I don't think was an exaggeration. After being in the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind, I think I'm at 5X. It has just flipped my world upside down. The value that Jordan provides is insane. I'm looking at what I pay per month for this and the value that I get out of it and I feel like I'm stealing. Thank you, Jordan and team. Keep up the good work!"

Reid Plummer
Owner of Fleet-Plummer

Hey friend! Jordan Raynor here. If you've made it to this page, you’ve likely read Redeeming Your Time two, three, maybe even four times. You may have even completed the course!

And even though you’ve gotten a ton of value from those resources, you’ve learned what all true masters know: Mastery isn’t a destination but a life-long journey. That is true of anything, but it is especially true of redeeming your time. 

I wrote the book for crying out loud and I am still constantly finding new game-changing ways for my team and me to be more purposeful, present, and productive.

I know you want the same for you and your team. Because you don’t just believe that better is possible—you believe that the pursuit of better is a mandate for those who long to do their most exceptional work for the glory of God and the good of others.

The question, of course, is how? What exactly do you and I need to better excel in the life-long journey to being maximally productive in distinctly Christ-like ways? Here's my answer to that question...

What You and I Need to Excel in This Journey

I have one goal for the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind: To help you and I excel in the life-long journey to being maximally productive in distinctly Christ-like ways. There are a few things we need to do that—all of which you will find baked deeply into this mastermind!

Rapid Feedback From Experts and Peers 

Curation of Cutting-Edge Tools and Practices

Excuses to Turn on Your OOO to Breathe and Build

Gospel-Centered Accountability on Your Goals

Reminders That You’re Not Crazy or Alone

That’s what I know you and I need to excel in this life-long journey. How do I deliver those things in this mastermind? I'm glad you asked…

5 Ways This Mastermind Delivers All the Above

#1: Twice Annual Retreats

Two times a year, members of this mastermind gather together in-person in Atlanta (Fall) and Dallas (Spring) for two days of renewing our minds, souls, and productivity systems. What's on the agenda for these retreats? I'm glad you asked...

Deep Dives

At each gathering, we spend half a day going deep on a specific element of time management and productivity (Redeeming Your Time with AI, Redeeming Your Time with World-Class Processes, etc.). For each deep dive, we bring in subject matter experts on the topic, share best practices specific to the theme, work through questions around the deep dive, etc.

Game Changers

The world is changing faster than ever. There is simply no way you and I can keep up on our own with all the latest software, practices, etc. that can help us redeem more time. We need to curate the cutting edge together. That's where Game Changers comes in. Before each retreat, I ask each member of the group to prepare to share tools, software, practices, etc. that have changed the game in their journey to redeeming more time. One relevant game changer a year could be more than worth the price of admission to this mastermind. Most members walk away with at least a handful.

Wisdom Workshops

Bring the group any challenge you or your team are facing on the journey to being maximally productive and get actionable feedback and advice, always filtered through the lens of the gospel. To be clear this is not a Q&A with me. It’s far more valuable than that. Because you get an entire network of high-achieving Christian leaders pouring out wisdom with me as a participant and guide.

Lunch with a Luminary

Don't be surprised if you show-up to the retreat and find you're sharing a meal with one of the most productive and influential people in my network like Cal Newport, Andy Crouch, Anne Beiler, Horst Schulze, etc. :)

Feasts and Fellowship

These retreats are not just about learning. They are also a chance for you to breathe, be inspired, and connect with other high-achieving Christ-followers who “get it” and are as committed as you are to being purposeful, present, and wildly productive for the glory of God and the good of others. So while we do work a lot at these retreats, we also have plenty of unstructured time for fellowship while feasting on "glory of the nations" caliber food and experiences.

Time in the Word

Each retreat starts with the Word as I bring a short devotional to focus our attention on Jesus and his gospel—the “why” behind Redeeming Your Time. These retreats are also a good excuse for you to spend more time in the Word than when you're in the daily grind back home.

Feet to the Fire

Good intentions aren’t good enough. To be maximally productive, we must share our goals with others who will hold us accountable to our “yes” being “yes”—and who will point us back to the gospel when we experience terrific success or total failure. That's where the Feet to the Fire session comes in—a time at the end of each retreat for you to commit to at least one thing you want the group to hold you accountable to in between gatherings. This can be something related to productivity, fitness, family, spiritual disciplines—whatever!

#2: Time Redeemer Tuesday

A monthly 90-minute Zoom (recorded for those who can’t be there live) with two super valuable items on the agenda: Game Changers and Wisdom Workshops (both of which are detailed above). Because you’re discovering game changers and challenges you want feedback on far more frequently than every six months. Think of these calls as mini virtual retreats in between the major in-person ones.

#3: Unlimited Access to Me

I only invite people into this mastermind that I am excited to pour into. That’s why I give members unfettered asynchronous access to me. That means that if you have any questions at all about Redeeming Your Time (or business in general) I promise to give you the rapid feedback you need.

#4: Light-Weight Access to Your Fellow Members

The last thing you or I need is another inbox that saps more energy than it gives. But you and I do want the ability to get wisdom quickly from other high-achieving Christian leaders. And that's what this mastermind’s super active private online forum will do for you. Got a question for the group in between retreats and Time Redeemer Tuesday Zooms? Post it here and get rapid feedback!

#5: Pro Practice Teachings

Every quarter, I share a detailed video teaching a new practice that has created major value in my own efforts to redeem time at work and at home. Here are just a few that are ready for you to watch as soon as you join the mastermind:

  • The 5 Steps I Take to Create New Habits Overnight (Rather Than 66 Days as Promoted in Atomic Habits)
  • How to Marry Your CTS & Calendar With Daily and Weekly Reviews You (Almost) Never Miss
  • How to Build a Custom GPT with Zero Technical Skills to Quickly Search Every Highlight You've Ever Made While Reading
  • How to Leverage Quarterly Retreats to Catch Up to Your Soul and Prioritize Your Yeses
  • My Proven System for Making A+ Hires of Assistants or Anyone Else to Help You Redeem More Time

"The collective wisdom in this group is truly remarkable. I’ve never experienced anything like it. Imagine receiving advice from leaders across a wide variety of industries and roles, all rooted in Biblical truths. In addition to this, I have direct one-on-one access to Jordan whenever needed. He has been incredibly responsive to my questions. If you’re looking for an unparalleled opportunity for simultaneous professional and spiritual growth, I highly recommend joining the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind."

Linda Braddy
CEO of American Red Cross North Texas

BONUS: Unlimited Seats for Your Team in The CTS Accelerator

If you’ve built your Commitment Tracking System (CTS) per Chapter 2 of Redeeming Your Time, I know how badly you want every member of your team to build their own—both for your sake and their own.

Maybe you’ve even given your team copies of the book to encourage them to that end! But your team has likely discovered what you discovered when you first read Redeeming Your Time: building a CTS on your own is really hard.

That’s why I offer to build Commitment Tracking Systems with readers in my popular online course called The CTS Accelerator.

We’ve sold this course for as much as $247 per person. But here’s the deal: I give members of the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind free access to the course for an unlimited number of team members!

In this online course, your team members will get:

  • My best, most up-to-date video teaching on how to build a digital CTS in OmniFocus or Todoist. I’ve personally helped hundreds of readers build their CTS since I released Redeeming Your Time. Now, your team members get the benefits of that experience in this course where they’ll find click-by-click, step-by-step videos to building their CTS in OmniFocus or Todoist (my latest recommendation for PC users).
  • Guaranteed answers from me to any of their questions for 60 days. That’s right: If your team asks me anything inside the course within two months of signing-up, I promise to personally respond!

Upon joining the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind, you’ll receive a template email to send to your team introducing them to the course and providing them with a unique discount code to access The CTS Accelerator for free. You will look like a hero and you will be significantly further down the path to you and your team being maximally productive!

Investment & Criteria for Membership

As a member of the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind, you’ll get access to…

…all for just $597 per month. And of course you can cancel anytime. The only thing not included is your hotel room for the retreats which you will be able to book through our group discount rate (~$225 per night inclusive of all taxes and fees).

But please note that your willingness to make that investment does not automatically get you access to this group. All members must also meet these three criteria for membership:

  • You are a serious follower of Jesus Christ. You declare that Jesus is Lord of all—including your to-do list and schedule.
  • You can get a ton of value from the mastermind. You are at a professional level where a few game-changing ideas, insights, and connections from this group will pay big dividends. 
  • You can add a ton of value to the mastermind. You are a high-achiever who has something to contribute via your engagement with other members of the group.

If that sounds like you, apply to join the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind now!

Apply to Join

2 Reasons to Apply to Join Before December 30, 2024

#1: I just opened up 12 new seats in the mastermind and we expect them to sell out quickly. The first 25 seats sold out super fast!

#2: December 30 is the cut-off if you want an invitation to our Spring 2025 retreat in Dallas. Which you are not going to want to miss!

General information about this mastermind’s twice annual retreats can be found above. But here are some specific details about our next in-person gathering:

  • Dates: April 30 - May 2, 2025
  • Location: The incredible Virgin Hotel in Dallas (pictured below)
  • Deep Dive: We’ll be spending half a day going deep on either Redeeming Your Time with World Class Processes or Redeeming Your Time at Home. The final decision will be made by members soon!

Want access to this retreat and all the other member benefits mentioned above? Apply to join the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind now!

Apply to Join

"This mastermind continues to blow my mind with value."

Jamie Grant
Co-founder of RedLeif and former CIO for the State of Florida

Sneak Peek at What’s Waiting for You Inside the Mastermind

It’s hard to give you a taste of many of the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind’s member benefits (Twice Annual Retreats, Unlimited Access to Me, Access to Your Fellow Members, etc.). But I can give you a sneak peek at two features of this special group: Time Redeemer Tuesday and Pro Practices...

4 Game Changers for Redeeming Your Time at Work and Home

As detailed above, every month our mastermind hops on Zoom for “Time Redeemer Tuesday” to workshop questions we have about how to be maximally productive in distinctly Christ-like ways and share “Game Changers” to that end. This 5 minute video will give you a feel for the Game Changers portion of these immensely valuable (and fun) Zooms!


Pro Practice: The 5 Steps I Take to Create New Habits Overnight

As mentioned above, once a quarter I share a “Pro Practice” video exclusive to this mastermind in which I teach a new practice that has created major value in my own efforts to redeem time at work and at home. Here, I’m giving you access to 1 of the 12+ Pro Practices that are ready for you to watch the moment you join the mastermind. 


These videos are just the tip of the iceberg of what's waiting for you inside the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind. Apply to join now!

Apply to Join

"This mastermind has been SO awesome for me in regard to accountability. I've NEVER been more consistent on the journey to redeeming my time. It's been a BLAST leveling up with these amazing brothers and sisters in Christ!"

Adrian Waldron
CEO of Cancer Doctor

Questions & Answers

In my experience, when you get a bunch of Christian leaders in a room talking about how to redeem more time, the conversation might start with time management, but almost always evolves into something broader. Because your Time Budget and Commitment Tracking Systems aren’t the only things that dictate your productivity. Product, marketing, hiring, cash flow management, personal stress management, etc. all play a role here. And all of that is fair game to discuss in this mastermind. If it fits under the banner of “helping Christian leaders excel in the life-long journey to being maximally productive in distinctly Christ-like ways,” it fits in this group. 

Just like you have to spend money to make money, you have to spend time to redeem time. That said, I have been hyper-intentional about designing this mastermind to not add a ton of things to your (or my) calendar. And the two things I am proposing you add (the twice annual retreats and monthly Time Redeemer Tuesday Zooms) have been crafted to provide extreme value. Plus, all Zooms are archived for you to watch on-demand if you are unable to attend live.

The third Tuesday of each month from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. EST. We do not expect every mastermind member to make every call, which is why each Zoom is recorded, timestamped, and archived for you to watch later on.

The masterminds I’ve been around cost between $1,250 and $2,500 per month. My goal was to create a mastermind as valuable as any I’ve been a part of and at a substantially lower cost. Why? Because I love serving high-achieving Christian leaders and I want to serve more of them. And if that means being less profitable than other masterminds, so be it.

That said, you might not have been in the market for a mastermind prior to learning about this one. So how else can you think about the monthly investment? You could think of it as:

  • Crazy affordable executive coaching: Great executive coaching costs between $25,000 and $75,000 a year. The handful of times I’ve provided one-on-one coaching services, I’ve charged ~$1,200 an hour. As a member of the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind, you are getting unlimited asynchronous coaching from me and the group for just $597 a month.
  • The equivalent of two killer conferences: In my experience, you get what you pay for when it comes to retreats and conferences. The best ones can easily cost $1,000 - $2,500. This mastermind gets you admission to two incredibly valuable events every year that (in my humble opinion) are worth more than the price of admission to this mastermind on their own.
  • A grand gesture to motivate yourself to purposefully practice productivity: I spend time on the things I spend money on. I’m sure the same is true for you. So if you want to spend time taking the productivity of you and your team to the next level, the surest way to motivate yourself is to make a “grand gesture” toward that end. By joining the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind, you’ll be sending a message to yourself, your team, and this group that you’re ready to take the journey to being maximally productive seriously. And you’ll be far more likely to progress down the path.
  • Gospel Centered: This mastermind is exclusively for those who declare that Jesus Christ is Lord of all and that his gospel shapes everything we do—including how we manage our to-do lists and schedules.
  • Clearer Focus: I’ve been a member of masterminds with nebulous goals like “helping leaders not lead alone.” That’s valuable, no doubt. But the focus of the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind is intentionally more concrete: To help Christian leaders like you excel in the life-long journey to being maximally productive in distinctly Christ-like ways. I don’t know of another mastermind with a focus as defined as that one.
  • More Affordable: The masterminds I’ve been around cost between $1,250 and $2,500 per month. My goal was to create a mastermind as valuable as any I’ve been a part of and at a substantially lower cost. Why? Because I love serving high-achieving Christian leaders and I want to serve more of them.
  • Larger Group: Most masterminds cap membership at a dozen people. I have not. Part of that is a financial decision, but more importantly, the most valuable masterminds I’ve been a part of have had dozens of people, giving me access to a far wider network of expertise and connections with like-minded high-achievers.

The goals of my two communities are quite different. While the Mere Christians Community is focused on helping you “apply the gospel to your work”—a primarily spiritual growth goal—the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind is focused on “helping Christian leaders excel in the life-long journey to being maximally productive in distinctly Christ-like ways”—a primarily professional growth goal. 

Now, I know the lines between spiritual and professional aren’t always clean. After all, I am “the faith and work guy.” But the distinction between these two memberships becomes vividly clear when you look at the feature set. Only in the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind will you get:

  • Entrance to two in-person retreats every year to renew your mind, soul, and productivity systems
  • An opportunity to workshop professional challenges with high-achieving Christians I have hand-picked for their ability to add as much value to the group as they take 
  • Unlimited access to me to get feedback on anything that’s on your mind
  • A structured and steady stream of game-changing softwares, practices, etc. to help you and your team redeem more time
  • Access to my best teachings on new practices that have created major value in my own efforts to redeem time at work and at home

If you would like to keep your membership in the Mere Christians Community, I will waive your membership fee in MCC for life once you join the Redeeming Your Time Mastermind!

About Me 

Don’t think for a second that I have “mastered” this whole productivity thing just because I wrote Redeeming Your Time. I am on the same life-journey as you, seeking to be maximally productive in distinctly Christ-like ways.

So what qualifies me to be both peer and leader of this group? Here’s what I’ve got: I’ve simply been traveling down the path to mastery longer than most, and so, I’ve had more opportunities to think, experiment, fail, succeed, and learn.

What’s been the product of all that learning? By God’s grace alone, a fairly productive 7-year run in which I:

  • Built two businesses and created 150+ jobs 
  • Raised millions of dollars in venture capital
  • Grew a team from ~5 to ~150 in 2.5 years
  • Successfully replaced myself as CEO of that company in just 2.5 years
  • Signed 10 book deals (7 of them with the world’s largest publisher)
  • Helped more than 5,000,000 Christians in every country connect the gospel with their work
  • Signed an Executive Producer to my first TV project
  • Lost 50 pounds (and kept it off)
  • Welcomed 3 daughters into our home
  • Baptized my 2 eldest daughters
  • Grew a thriving marriage with my bride

But let me make one thing crystal clear: I am not the hero in this story. God is. Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds me that it is “[God] who gives [us] the ability to produce wealth” and results. Over the years, God has graciously given me a wealth of knowledge and experience in stewarding my time well. Now I want to help you do the same.


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