"I think the smile of God is on The Royal in You, and I’m happy to recommend it."
I would have never admitted that to my parents or pastor, of course. But that was the honest truth.
That fear followed me well into my twenties. Yes, I loved Jesus more than anything. But from what I could tell, being with Jesus in heaven meant giving up all the other things I (and Jesus) loved on earth like work, wine, and mountains.
Eventually, God opened my eyes to see that almost everything I had been taught about heaven in Sunday School was either a half-truth or a full-blown lie.
But the biblical truth set me free!
While I used to view heaven with confusion, boredom, and fear, today I find myself frequently day-dreaming about heaven and the new earth with biblical clarity, excitement, and hope.
I wrote The Royal in You to help my kids and yours experience the true hope of eternity long before I (and maybe you) did.
In partnership with Jonathan Voss (the world-class illustrator I worked with on The Creator in You), I have sought to communicate the life-changing biblical truths of heaven to kids in a concise and inspiring way. Truths like, as I write in the book…
Jesus said He won’t stay in the clouds way up there.
He’ll bring heaven to earth, and He’ll live with us here.
(see Revelation 21:1-5)
And contrary to our caricature of heaven as an endless worship concert…
Jesus wants you to rule with Him—
to explore and fill the kingdom of heaven with Him.
(see Revelation 22:5)
What might it look like to work and rule with King Jesus?
Maybe you’ll explore galaxies far, far away
and marvel at what God once made in a day.
Or master the flute, piano, or timpani
as Jesus applauds your brilliant symphony.
(see Isaiah 65:17-23)
So don’t think for one second that heaven is boring,
because we’ll be reigning, creating, and exploring!
Not just for our joy, and surely not for our glory,
but to love and to worship the One who is worthy.
It’ll be so much better than your wildest dreams—
ruling heaven on earth next to Jesus our King.
That’s just a glimpse of what’s inside The Royal in You. Help your kids view heaven and the new earth with biblical clarity, excitement, and hope by picking-up a copy today!
"I can’t think of a better way to help our kids understand God!"
"I’m always on the lookout for resources that make deep biblical truths accessible to my kids. The Royal in You does exactly that. This book is full of easy to understand, yet profoundly rich theology that both kids (and adults!) can understand. If you’re a parent trying to point your kids closer to Jesus, you need this book in your library."
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