And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)
Today is the final devotional in a series that I pray has helped you dispel the idea of waiting to “feel a peace” about decisions at work and at home. Over the past two weeks, we have looked at a couple of biblical truths that can help us grow in confidence as we make tough choices:
First, God rarely gives us all the information we want before making a decision.
And second, God doesn’t need us to make any specific decision.
Today, we look at the third and final truth, which is related to the second: So long as we are obeying God’s Word, we can’t make a “wrong” decision.
When we read today’s Scripture (Romans 8:28), we typically think of “all things” in the context of negative things that happen to us: losing a job, shutting down a business, losing a loved one. Of course, Romans 8:28 promises that God will work all of those things “for the good of those who love him.” But it’s not only those things He will work for good. He will also work every one of our decisions for our good and His glory.
Last week, we saw a similar promise in Proverbs 19:21 which reads, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Commenting on that verse, pastor Tim Keller said, “In a sense, for a Christian, there is no ‘plan B.’”
If you believe that God’s purposes will prevail no matter what and you believe that He will work everything for your good and His glory, then so long as a decision isn’t out of line with God’s Word, there’s no such thing as a “wrong” decision, believer! You are free to choose.
What decision is weighing on you today? Whether to stay or leave your job? Whether to launch that product or the other? Whether to donate to that ministry or the other?
Whatever it is, don’t wait around for a vague feeling of peace about the decision. Look for wisdom in God’s Word. Seek counsel from other believers. And then choose.
How can you choose with confidence? By remembering the truths we have explored in this series and the concrete promise of peace you have as an adopted child of God. Whatever you decide, His will will be done and your status as a co-heir with Christ will be secure.
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